Wednesday, 2025-01-29, 7:02 PM Welcome Guest

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The rules stated apply to the title in Bold. If you break these rules your account may be affected due to what rules you broke. The site Owner may edit these rules at any given time without the notification of users. Please check here regularly and refresh yourself of the rules. Jamie. 

Forum rules 
Please visit the forums, and navigate to "Forum rules" to see the rules of our Forum. Chatroom rules

Chatroom rules 
Under the Farchest Webclient, We offer a xat chat room service where users can talk with each other. Please read the rules for the chat room.
-No advertising, this includes In your name, Home page or the text you type.
-No Disrespecting staff. This includes in your name, Home page, or the text you type. 
-No offensive language in your home page, name or the text you enter on the Chat, No rude avatars.
-No spamming or direct abuse. 
-No begging for stuff, items or levels in the chat room.

Server rules
Most likely the most important rules, Please read these carefully.
-No advertising, Our advertising filter blocks most of this, If you advertise, your account will be disabled.
-No filter abusing, This means abusing the filter system, by trying to cut round it, Or using it to penalize players or staff. 
-No auto-clickers or 3rd party software, Why? Auto-clickers cause a great lagg to the system, Train properly, If you are found to be auto-clicking, your account will be disabled.
-No offensive, racist or sexist language or account names.
-Auto typers ARE allowed but must be set to 6+ seconds, and only in crowded areas. 
-No asking for items, staff or 99's. This may lead to an account ban. Respect the rules and be respected. If you find a player breaking one of the rules, please alert staff.
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